Friday, December 20, 2013

Day #48

     Today was the last day of school and it was an early release...... freezing rain... that turned my driveway into a skate rink that goes down hill. Jay had to be creative as he put down the ice melt, he slid down the driveway yelling, "Mom, I'm going down!" I couldn't help him as I would have slid right into him if I'd of gone down after him. Eventually he caught himself, thinking it was funny... me on the other hand have developed a new anxiety.... ICE!
    Several months ago I injured my knee and it took months for it to heal, I am petrified I will fall again. It is kind of funny to watch people fall down.... as long as they don't get hurt, and as I said before, I am good at it. But... I can't re-injure my knee again, I was so helpless, walking anywhere was agonizing. Many wonderful people in town helped me at different stores as I couldn't walk very far, and it is so devastating to feel that pain, and know how much it affects every facet of your life. Thank goodness I recovered
     Today Katie and I had our own Christmas party at work, it was fun. We ate things we shouldn't eat... and laughed about a man that flirted with me! I am a social misfit, and forgot how to respond really. He asked me if I used to work at a certain place, I said No, then he nervously apologized to me as he scurried away. We wondered what would have happened if I'd of said yes to his question. Would he still have walked away? I have been single for a long long long long time... my life is my boys and my imaginary romance with Rufus Sewell. Really I am not sure if I would know what to do if I had a real romance. I would probably be disappointed as I have had years to create the perfect fairytale in my mind, and honestly it would be hard to not have exactly that for real. I think some people would call me delusional... I prefer to call myself hopeful. I guess they could be the same thing, it depends how you look at it right? So maybe I am hopelessly delusional?
     Anyway, so it begins.... Christmas break, Max's vcr broke at 8pm and I spent two hours trying to get it to work as he slapped his fingers into the palms of his hands, and slapped his feet together. I must have jinxed myself when I mentioned that Day #47. All is well now because I found one I had bought the other day that works, so he giggled for an hour watching Tarzan, till he finally fell asleep..
     I still haven't put up my Christmas tree. I need to do that tomorrow, I'm running out of time!!

Until tomorrow..........

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