Monday, December 16, 2013

Day #45

     Sorry about my rampage yesterday!! Since I have complained for a few days.... I'll change the tone tonight.
     I was sitting at my kitchen table... the place where I do my best thinking, and I started laughing.... couldn't stop actually. I was alone, Max asleep, Jay listening to heavy metal upstairs.... and me... hysterical all by myself.  What was so funny? Its embarrassing really, but I started thinking about all the times I have fell down.... that's right, I am clumsy and have bit the dust more times than I can count.
     During the late summer, Katie and I were over at one of the properties we take care of for work, it was muddy and there were earthworms everywhere.... I am terrified of earthworms. I know there is no rational for the sheer terror they instill in me, but it is still terror none the less. If it rains, I can't look down at the ground, I can't look at those coolers in the store that sell containers of them for bait, I look away mumbling "Oh my god, oh my god" walking as fast as I can to get away... as if they could jump out and get me. Its ridiculous, and its been a lifelong fear that I can't overcome.
I haven't really tried because I would have to look at them and touch them, I think its called aversion therapy or something like that. But I'm just going to stay afraid of them.
     Anyway on this particular summer day we were cleaning up this yard, Katie was scooping up leaves, sticks and other yucky stuff, and I had to hold the bag.... looking away the entire time. I had at some point walked over to another part of the yard, and was standing on a slab of concrete where the earthworms must gather socially, I tripped over some vines and landed in the mud on top of them.
Katie said I always fall down in slow motion, this time I landed on a brick and mud full of earthworms. One of the most traumatic meetings with the ground I have ever had... but we laughed about it for a long time.
     I don't know why I am so clumsy, whether it be ice, snow, mud, tripping over my dog, getting dragged through the yard by my dog (that's painful by the way)... sometimes nothing at all, I just end up on the ground. I imagine I could have won on America's Funniest Home Videos many times, if I had someone following me around taping me as I go.
     So tonight laughter has been my medicine, and what a triumph, I can laugh at myself... all by myself, that is progress! Laughter is so good for the soul, don't you agree? I am so lucky that I have the best of friends, friends that are like sisters to me, and no matter how many times I fall down, and however muddy I may be.... they are always there to pick me up off the ground.
Until tomorrow.........

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