Monday, December 9, 2013

Day # 38

     This has been a long long long day. I wouldn't say its been a bad day, it just seems like it lasted for 50 hours. Its 8 degrees out and I have officially lost the ability to warm up after being outside for even just a moment or two. I think I understand why people move to Florida when they retire.
It seems like not long ago I was saying how much I love the change of seasons, I think I changed my mind. I love it when the leaves change colors but once they've fallen and I have to rake them up?....... I'm ready to move on to warmer places. Frankly, I think I would be happy if I saw palm trees every day when I look out my window. I could admire a beautiful snowfall in a photograph, or be just as happy having someone send me a box of colorful leaves to my Florida address. I miss warm air!! Winter hasn't officially begun, but I am ready for it to be officially over.
     Anyway.... I wanted to start telling some stories from the life of my dearest friend, her son and Max go to school together, her son also having autism. Our lives are so similar, and our boys so alike and so different..... if that makes any sense.
     If I look back on this journey through autism, I remember so many things that have changed my life, and one of them is the friendships I have found. Autism brings some of us together in a way that people that don't live it, may never understand. I hope that by including their journey here as well, people may come to understand a little more. I am so blessed to have the friends that I have, and I know I would not be as strong today without them. I have said before that this can be a very isolating, and scary journey but when you don't have to go through it alone it makes it less frightening.
     So today I am so thankful for my best friends, my sisters, who don't let me fall, who make me laugh when I want to cry, who have never left my side. I am eternally grateful, and thank you for sharing your journeys with your children with me.
Until tomorrow.....


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