Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day # 43

      Today myself, Max, Grandma, Aunt Tiki, Katie and Asher met at the annual Christmas party. A party put together by a local restaurant, specifically for children and adults with disabilities. Every year everyone has so much fun.... except Max. I always hope he will enjoy it, but he never does.
      As I was leaving the party, I noticed a section of the restaurant had been turned into a dance floor, and it was filled with children and adults with disabilities dancing to Christmas music. It just warmed my heart to see them all having so much fun, all their beautiful faces enjoying their party and having such a great time.
      I adored their innocence, and loved watching Santa Claus go talk to each table and give away candy canes. Katie got a kick out of Santa telling Asher that he'd be watching, so he'd better be a good boy.
      As I walked out the door to leave, I thought to myself, what a special day that was to so many people. For those couple of hours they belonged, they were with family and friends that love them. It brought back to life the meaning of the season to me... that I forget when I'm lost in my moments of madness. Its Christmas time, and all of the people in that party were excited about Santa Claus, presents, parties. They are happy, and more often than not, people disregard them.
     Its not a disability that makes our kids, or anyone else that was a guest at the party.... "Special"
What makes them special, is they are kind, when others aren't, they are loving, even to people that aren't nice to them, they are genuine, and see the good in people. They still believe in the magic of the holidays. Most of us get upset because we can't buy what we want, or do what we want. These special people should be a reminder to so many, that love, kindness and compassion are what's important..... people are what's important. Whether its Christmas time or not.

Until tomorrow.......

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