Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day #47

     Tomorrow is the last day of school.... then comes the 18 days of anxiety. I have started practicing breathing so I can be prepared when Max's vcr stops working. I think I have bought or been given at least 35 vcrs in the last year.  He is so happy when he gets to watch his movies so its worth it. Its kind of funny to watch him as he's picking out his movies, and he picks out such a strange array. Tonight he bought Silence of the Lambs, Chitty Chitty Bang, Bang, Speed and Mulan.
     He must like the number 4. He gets 4 movies, 4 cans of playdoh, he eats 4 pieces of taffy, and when he is at McDonalds eating inside the restaurant.... he takes 2 long French fries, then takes a third one and breaks it in half and puts the two halves in between the two long ones. He eats all of his food... and eats those four last. 4 is significant to him and I don't quite know why.
     Its fascinating to watch him as he picks out movies, he looks at the cover, then the sides, then the back.... I always wondered why until I watched Asher do the same thing. Katie told me that he memorizes them.... he has photographic memory. It is absolutely fascinating... and I wonder if Max is doing the same thing, but since he is non verbal, I can't be sure. I wish there was a way I could figure it out.
     Oh!!! I didn't get to post last night... long day as I worried all night the night before about the doctors appointment. There is nothing wrong medically and both of the doctors believe Max's wetting is behavioral, just like I did! Now the problem to be solved is how to break him of this behavior. Nothing is ever easy when it comes to most of his stims or behaviors, but I have 18 days to try to stop it before school starts up again, I hope I can figure it out. It will be my mission over the next two and a half weeks. Wish me luck.
Until tomorrow.......

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