Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day # 41

     I am still shocked sometimes... well pretty much all the time regarding the people who think they are experts regarding our children because they have some letters behind their name. You know who I mean... that doctor that has saw your child one time, but because he or she may have another autistic patient...they think they know yours. The expert brought into school that just got his or her degree who again, has never met your child, but knows everything about what will work for ANY situation. I am an expert on my child, my credentials are the last 15 years of 24 hour care and concern and love.  I'm not saying that all budding experts are like that, but there are a lot of them, and I'm not saying that what they suggest is always wrong, or always a bad idea, but rather they should spend more time learning about each child individually, step out from under the enormous autism umbrella, because each of our kids is different, just like raindrops.
     Some of our kids are stormy, some are a steady rain, and some just sprinkle.... and that "Right" expert... aside from us, does sometimes come along with answers, ideas and help, that makes a huge difference. But, until they get drenched in all the different forms of autism, they really haven't got a clue.
     For example, your kiddo knows at 3pm, he's going home, school is over for the day, but someone needs to talk to you right away...and it is really something that is going to take a long time to discuss, they keep talking, and handing you more papers... explaining each one as they go. Your child is getting anxious, you can see it in their body language, in their face.. instantly you can feel your chest getting tighter and its getting harder to breathe. You know you have to leave because its about to become a down pour in your child.... they still keep talking. By this time you can hear nothing they are saying because your heart is beating so loud, and your child is starting to pace, trying to get out of your grasp because they need to leave.... they keep talking. That "expert" finally notices your kiddo is getting anxious, and says, "Is he ok?" You politely say you have to leave, and finally escape this situation, by then its to late... its already started to rain, and a lot of times the sun doesn't come back.
You have to spend hours trying to stop the storm, because that 10 minutes, or even just 5 minutes messed up his entire routine. It is so hard to get people to understand that a lot of the time... Frustrating isn't it?!!
     I think that "expert" needs to put down the umbrella and stand in the middle of your storm. If they do that.... maybe they could help us bring our children more sunshine. 
Until tomorrow..............

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