Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day #17

Tonight I won't be writing much..... it has been a quiet day other than the door slamming 38 times. I hope that tonight's episodes of door slamming will be an isolated incident. We've had so many days in the last few months where all Max does is slam the door over and over for the majority of the night, all the while screaming or crying, tonight's bring those memories back. He did happily go out shopping with his respite worker this evening and had a good time. I got a chance to check my email.... I don't get a chance to get to the computer until everyone is sleeping
Jays counselor came over tonight as well. I am so thankful for Max's people and Jays people, I can't even put into words what they mean to me. They greet us with a smile and never seem in a rush to leave, its so nice to see friendly faces that enjoy our company. For those moments in time, things feel calmer.
I have been working a second job during part of the school day these past few days and it may continue long term, so tonight I have to catch up on things I didn't get done today, and won't get done tomorrow.
Thanks for continuing to read!
Until tomorrow....

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