Monday, January 11, 2010

Day #16

"Its like Ground Hog Day"

I was racing around this morning, half confused about what I was doing. Letting dogs in and out, finding clothes for Max blah blah blah.... I dropped them both off to school than began a race to beat the clock finishing one job before I had to get to my other one. At some point today it dawned on me that my life is like that movie "Ground Hog Day"
Every morning I wake up and it feels like dejavu. There must be something in each day that I need to do differently, do better, do less... to get to a new day... a new day that doesn't look just like the one before. My list of things to do in a day is the same every day, day after day. No wonder I feel like a robot, no wonder I feel like I'm in a daze. Its the same day over and over, like the twilight zone. "Do not adjust your tv screen, you are about to enter the twilight zone" Hmmm.. I'm not sure if that's exactly how that show begins but you get my drift.
So in order for my boys and I to escape "Ground Hog Day" I think I must have to fix something about this day. The question is, what do I change, or fix? I can't break away from the routine, it upsets Max, that is to much to handle.
Tonight I upset the routine by taking him into McDonald's to eat in the Play Place... instead of eating he just wanted to sit at the bottom of the slide until the other children came sliding down, then he'd hurry up and move, running through the place to the doorway into the other dining area... stopping in the doorway and bending down to touch his feet, then the ground. Over and over he did this screaming "Wabu" as loudly as he could, all the other children watched him curiously as many people do. I figured the other children were loud, so I let him be loud. He just plays differently than the other kids do. Today however, I didn't have to spend any time explaining his behavior to anyone. It was kind of nice. Jay always sits idly by ready to be the information giver to anyone who looks at us cross eyed, this time he didn't have to say anything.
Tonight Max would eat nothing, but the frosting off a donut, he went to sleep at 10:30 uninterested in anything but his blankets.
I still believe that variety is the spice of life, and we are lacking variety. I think I'll explore bringing more variety into our day and see how Max handles it. Maybe if I do that we could escape this repeating day.
Today I remembered that my glass was still half full, and that's a good thing..I think it just needs to be filled with something different sometimes. I have always been full of wonder lust...used to get me in trouble in my younger days, I feel like I need to rent a red convertible, put the top down, everybodys seat belt on and just go, go somewhere new, do something new. I'm not sure if I'm as brave as I used to be unfortunately. Maybe I have spring fever, ants in my pants, a midlife crisis. I think its time for an adventure. It may be a few days before I can figure out what that adventure will be, but I'll let you know. Any suggestions?
Maybe the boredom over these really cold winter days is starting to get to my boys, both have seemed more easily agitated. That is hard for me to handle more often then not. I need to make them laugh more. How do I do that though.. when Max finds very few things funny. My mission is to find something new to do this weekend, I'll tell you about it then.
Until tomorrow.....

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