Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day #11

"Sometimes sprinkles are the funniest things!"

Today started off without a hitch. Nobody was late for school! Despite the subzero temperatures my van started. I have to let it run for at least 20 minutes before the heater will blow warm air. No heat would be just miserable on a day like this that has started off with a chilling -3 degrees.
Max had a little accident just as we were walking into school this morning, so I had to drop him off and return home to get him fresh clothes. He is potty trained finally, but we do have the occasional accident.
I had to go to Jays middle school to look over the roster for next semester, he has been bullied relentlessly this year. I called a meeting with his teachers, counselor, prinicipal and social worker to see what we could do to make his school day better, possibly avoid some of these brutal middle school kids. The Principal allowed us to look at the roster so Jay could see if there were any kids in his upcoming classes that really give him a hard time. He was able to switch a class, and was very relieved. There are fabulous people in this school district who have done so much to help both of my sons. Thank God!
I then went home... my day off. I always have such big plans for days like this, but never accomplish anything. I come home and I think my brain just shuts down.... is that possible? It seems like the time flies by so fast. Today I just sat down on the couch and tried to let the insanity get bored with me. It was calm, quiet and relaxing. These are the times that I spend in my imagination... wondering what it would be like to be Drew Barrymore or Rufus Sewells girlfriend, or a jet setting multi millionaire... where would I go first? Probably England to see the castles, maybe get lost in Ireland or tour the Vatican in Rome with my Italian friend Marcello. Imagination is a wonderful thing. Then the alarm rings. I set it for 3pm just in case I'm side tracked so I don't forget to pick the boys up from school.
I pick Jay up first, then Max at his elementary school. We go to McDonalds everyday because he will rarely eat at school and therefore is very hungry, plus I put his medicine in the ketchup on his hamburger. He has been taking prozac to help adjust his moods and it appears to be working. He is very happy today.
Tonight we took our routine trip to Walmart, where he always gets a donut with sprinkles and playdoh... EVERY NIGHT. Max only eats the sprinkles and tonight he kept looking at that donut and laughing. He'd pick a yellow sprinkle off the top, hold it softly in the palm of his hand and laugh like he'd never seen anything so funny. I wish I could see what he sees when he is overjoyed like he was tonight.
Bedtime tonight was relatively quick and painless, a rare occasion, but Max woke up at 11:30 as I was writing this and wanted to take a bath. I went in to check on him and he was sleeping in the tub. This will be a new issue, one I can't allow, for safety reasons. I will have to lock the bathroom at night from now on. I hope this was just a one time thing. I am reminded tonight that I can never let my guard down... never.
Until tomorrow...

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