Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day # 33

Sorry for the inconvenience...... 

I woke up this morning fully prepared to go through our holiday routine. The house was stocked with all the things Max "might" eat throughout the day, none of them being a part of the meal I was preparing. It never really matters because he is so upset that his entire routine is messed up on Thanksgiving and Christmas..... I literally can feel that giant ball of anxiety swelling in my chest as the day drags on.
We headed off on our thirty minute drive to the truck stop for Wendys, or Taco Bell, the only two places that are open on this day. It has worked for the last couple of years, and he gets through the day, but today was a different story. We passed the McDonalds by the truck stop, only to find that it was open.... so I turned around happily. I thought to myself, YIPPEE they are open, today will be a piece of cake, he can get his french fries.. We pulled up to the drive through only to see a sign that said "We will be open till 11am only serving breakfast, sorry for the inconvenience" I could feel the storm approaching..... as soon as I drove away, he broke down. He didn't understand they only had breakfast. I quickly pulled into the truck stop. First he refused to get out of the vehicle, eventually complying. but stomping his feet all the way to the front dooor. Moments like that, I may have said before, I feel like I must not breathe the entire time because I am feeling so overwhelmed. I bought tacos and french fries, none of which he ate.
All the while people were looking, children were laughing and I felt like beating people up. I thought to myself..... people from all over the country in this place are witnessing what happens when McDonalds closes for the day. They do not know however, that this crying and stomping will go on all day. I just turned on my tunnel vision and got outta there before my big mouth opened and caused a scene.
Max still insisted on McDonalds, so I drove through ordered something he wouldn't eat and headed down the road, my sweet son still crying and pushing away the buffet of options he had before him. We went to Dollar General, bought playdoh and headed home. I had enough time to get the turkey in, and start on all the other things I had to do. Then the dog got out and took off down the street, he never comes when I call him. Jay had to chase him down the road. All the while my turkey was accidently on broil so when I checked it an hour later, the oven bag was burned to the turkey. That took another half hour to fix. Max still unhappy, I'm in more control than usual. Thinking, this would be a great day for the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol to bring me a big check.... I'd buy my own McDonalds.
We went back to the truck stop later in the afternoon and he accepted Wendys thank goodness. When we got home he decided he wanted to go to WalMart. Stupid me.... it was after 8 and all the shopping maddness was going on. We walked in that store and there were hundreds of people, lines to the back of the store, sections of the store blocked off, people everywhere. I was nervous that he'd get away from me, I held on to his arm as tight as I could. If he'd of gotten out of my sight, I'd of never found him in that mad house.... but then something amazing happened...... he started to laugh, and laugh uncontrollably. Everywhere he looked there were people, he thought it was funny. Usually that kind of comotion makes him uncomfortable, but tonight it was entertainment.
We got more playdoh and went back home, and hour later he was asleep, and I still haven't done all the dishes. I am thankful for many things, and tonight I am thankful for playdoh, and crazy Thanksgiving shoppers. My son ended the day laughing instead of crying. The dog is home and tomorrow things can get back to normal. Now I have a month to prepare myself for Christmas.

Until tomorrow..........

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