Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day #30

There is a difference between looking and staring.. So tonight, as we ventured through Walmart, like we do every single night of our lives... something really caught my eye. PEOPLE!! Several people, young and old, staring at us. It irritated me, more so than usual. Arm in arm we trotted through the store on our typical path... looking for laffy taffy and play doh, by the way did I ever mention that we buy play doh EVERY night and have done so for over 8 years? Thats right, 8 years. Thats nearly 3000 days, 3000 packages of play doh. An estimated $6500 in play doh. I'll tell you about that another time. Usually when you catch someone staring at you, they automatically look away, or pretend like they are looking at something right over your shoulder. Tonight however, nobody looked away until I said, "Look Max, you are so hansome and I am so beautiful people can't stop looking at us" That seems to embarrass people. I think I am getting more sarcastic in my old age. I do sometimes like my new personality trait, ecspecially when I'm annoyed. I found myself checking the mirrors throughout the store and making sure Max's pants weren't falling down and making sure he didn't have anything on his face. I had one of those moments of enlightenment during all of the looks and stares.... I remember always being told that staring was inpolite and not to do it. I can't have been the only one who was taught that it was rude can I? I think not, but of all the peole young and old that I came face to face with in Walmart.... I am sure of one thing.. I am the only one that listened to her Mother when she said "Don't stare, its rude." What is wrong with people? I think the next time I have a experience like that, I'm just going to start asking the "onlookers" if they want to take our picture, maybe we'll even pose. Maybe I'll ask if they want our autographs. Maybe I just need to lighten up. I am prepared for an audience when Max has his meltdowns like the other night, but tonight we just looked like two ordinary people... hunting for laffy taffy. Until tomorrow...

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