Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day #57

     I should have written this last night when the fear was fresh in my blood.....
Max has not felt well since Christmastime. Instead of getting better he appeared to me, to be getting worse. He hadn't eaten for 2 days, or did any of our normal routines, he just wanted to lay in his room, and sleep.
     Last night, I think it must just be that "Mom feeling" we all get, that something is just not right. I  couldn't look at his big blue eyes for another minute and see him suffering... literally suffering in silence, while panic was eating me alive. I took him to the emergency room, and although it is just a bug that will have to run its course, he has a fever. I was awake until 7am trying to squirt all these little containers of motrin in his mouth while he slept on and off.  Each attempt woke him up and he'd spit it out, so most of what he needed to take.... has been scrubbed off of his bedroom carpet instead.
     Despite the fever and retched cough that makes him vomit, he still was just as much a fighter in the hospital. I will be relentlessly trying to get more motrin and Tylenol in him throughout the day.
I'm so exhausted and I know he must be, he sleeps 10 minutes and wakes up. I wish he could just rest, I know it would help..
Happy New Year to all of you!
Until later....

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